Wai Yin Society 27th Annual Report and AGM on Sunday 17th January 2016 二 零一六 一月 十七 日

Wai Yin Society 27th Annual Report was presented at the AGM at  1 pm on Sunday 17th January 2016.

二  零一六 一月 十七  日,  星期日一点钟 下午

The meeting was held at the Sheung Lok Centre.

参加 在 常樂中心

Chair: Mrs Juanita Yau

When I accepted the role of Chairlady over 20 years ago, I made it my aim to support Wai Yin to become a sustainable organisation with openness and honesty.  Ever since that day, I have worked hard to help Wai Yin to achieve this aim.

Since 2007, Wai Yin has become a prominent force for the Chinese community and as well as  reaching into other ethnic communities.  We have been providing services to Indian, Pakistani, Eastern European, Bangladeshi and Somali communities, and many more besides.  This transition was greatly encouraged by our successful Education, Training and Employment projects, funded by government offices.  It has not been limited to our education team, but also our Family Unit: our Youth Project has begun to work with Somali young people, to offer them the same services and activities that our Chinese young people have available to them. We also have linked up with a European country, such as Greece to provide an inter-European project with our young people. I want to thank the staff in these projects for their hard work and dedication.

Wai Yin has received support from a lot of organisations, including Comic Relief, BBC Children In Need, Manchester City Council, Salford City Council, Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council and NHS.  A lot of these funding providers have continued to support Wai Yin, especially during a time of austerity and cutbacks.  I would like to convey my deepest thanks to them for their support throughout this year.

Our membership at Wai Yin has steadily increased from last year.  Our volunteer database has also increased proportionally this year. Inevitably, many of the volunteers have left due to personal circumstances. However, up to April 2015, we still had over 50 active volunteers supporting our services. I want to thank the volunteers of Wai Yin for their continued support and assistance in providing essential services.  Without you, Wai Yin would not be as successful as it is today.

As the economic situation in UK is not promising, we found that year 2014-15 was a very tough year for survival.  There were a lot of funding cuts and the availability of funding applications were limited. We have to use our reserve fund to support our outgoings. We have discussed the matter with the Senior Management Team to work out a plan for survival. I would like to thank the staff for their hard work and commitment to their work. We will always remember our staff and volunteers with fondness and we are grateful and honoured that they were part of our Wai Yin family.

From a strategic level, our Board has worked together with the Senior Management Team to create a 5 year Business Plan.  This Business plan focuses on many areas, in particular working in partnership, “people focused” services and sustainability and will give us clearer direction in achieving where we want to be.  As the Board of Trustees, we review this plan every three months to make sure that we are on target.

Finally, I would like to thank our board members for their support, kindness and friendship throughout the year.  I am proud to be the Chairlady of Wai Yin and watch our organisation continue to grow from strength to strength.



二十年前,檔我接 主席,我認為對我來說這將會是一個極好的挑戰,而我亦成功獲得這個機會。許多年前,我的父母就教導我說,如果我得到一份我喜愛的工作的話,我將會愛上它而不會覺得它的艱巨,也無需再尋找其他的工作機會了。

自從2007年度開始,我們已將服務延伸到印度、巴基斯坦、東歐、孟加拉國和索馬里社區。這次的轉型由我們成功的教育、培訓及就業計劃組大力支持。但這服務並不止步於教育團體,在我們家庭組裡也很常見:我們的青年計劃(Youth Project)已開始包括索馬里青年,給他們提供與中國青年同樣的服務和活動。我想謝謝為此計劃付出的工作人員,謝謝他們在此計劃中辛勤勞作和盡心盡力。

慧妍社得到了來自各個組織的支持,包括Big Lottery Fund, BBC Children In Need, Manchester City Council, Salford City Council, Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council和NHS.特別是在資金緊縮和削減的時刻,很多基金捐助者依舊持續支持慧妍社。我在此,為他們今年一整年以來的大力支持,表達我最真摯的感謝。


如同所有的組織一樣,我們也有低落的時刻,特別是在如今英國金融不穩定時期。2014-2015 年是我們非常艱辛的一年。很多    資金       可以申請的公共很多資金? ? 非常有很。我們需要運用信?? 慧妍社的運作。管理委員會因


從戰略性角度看,我們的管理委員會 與高級管理組 (Senior Management Team)合作,商討出了一個五年商業計劃。這項計劃針對了幾個方面,分別是建立夥伴關係(working in partnership),專注人群服務(people focused) 和可持續性(sustainability),並且會給我們一個努力方向及更清晰指向。作為管理委員會, 我們每三個月都會回顧一下計劃,以保證我們還在正確的道路上前進。
