Benefit Advice

The Chinese Linkworker Service is a partnership between Manchester City Council and the Wai Yin Society. The Linkworker Service exists to ensure that people from minority ethnic communities have the same access to City Council services as everybody else.

A Chinese Linkworker who can speak Cantonese, Mandarin and English is available on the days and times as shown below to provide benefit advice for Chinese people living in the City of Manchester. The service can help you with:

  • Social security benefits
  • Housing Benefit
  • Council Tax
  • Tax Credits
  • Social Services
  • Debt
  • Child Benefit
  • Enquiries about other Council services

The service is available at Wai Yin on the following days:

  • Every Monday: 10:00pm to 12:30pm (drop-in)
  • Every Tuesday: 10:00am to 12:30pm (by appointment only)

Service is provided at Chinese Health Information Centre on Wednesdays (10.00 am – 12.30 pm) and at Manchester Advice on Thursdays (10.00 am – 12.30 pm).

You don’t need to book to use the service, just come along on Monday at the above time to see the Chinese Linkworker. Tuesday session is for appointments only. To make an appointment, please contact the Linkworker directly.

If you would like more information about the service, you can contact Wai Yin Society. Alternatively, you can contact the Linkworker directly on 0161 245 7058.