Wai Yin currently offers a membership scheme to our users to enable them to use our services.
Currently our membership period runs from September of the first year and closes in August of the following year. One year’s membership will cost £12 for individuals and £22 for families (Family membership consists of two adults and two children up to the age of 18).
Wai Yin also offers half year memberships. Half year membership is only available from March of the membership year. Half year membership will cost £6 per individual and £11 for families (Family membership consists of two adults and two children up to the age of 18).
To apply for membership with Wai Yin, you can visit one of our centres, or you can print out the membership form and post it to us. You can apply for individual membership or family membership. (This is recorded on the membership application form). Family membership covers up to four members of your family. Under our new policy, membership can be renewed every September. When applying, you need to make sure that you have the following items:
- Membership Application Form
- Correct payment
- Two passport photos per person
Types of Membership
There are now five different types of membership available to all people.
- Full membership (individuals)
- Family membership
- Associate membership for individuals
- Associate membership for families