Wai Yin Services Update: (Sheung Lok Centre, HQ Office and Welcome Centre)

We suspended face to face work during COVID-19 period.  If you need help, please call the following hotline or email us.

Hotline:  07309329487

Email: [email protected]

Services we provide:

    • Befriending telephone support daily to our service users, carers and volunteers, such as Friendly Chat
    • Providing telephone general advice, information and translation support (such as Health Professional assessment meetings, contacting GPs, benefit claims etc.)
    • Collecting medicine (China Town) to Chinese older people using a partner service (Thank You Yang Sing)
    • Signposting to a Chinese takeaway service for older Chinese people, if needs arise
    • On line parenting course, children’s homework club, youth club
    • Homework club (to improve your writing skills) for adults (16+).
    • Emergency food parcels, signpost them to other networks/food banks
    • Providing telephone IT support such as how to connect with the community through WhatsApp, Wechat and Zoom.