As of the 3rd November 2014, we are using another community centre in Cheetham Hill. This is a much bigger building, which allows us to expand our services to a very diverse local community comprised of very many ethnic backgrounds.
There has been a lot of work done to bring it into operational use, and now we’re up and running, service users are attending at this address:
18-32 Brentfield Avenue
Cheetham Hill
M8 0TW
Telephone: 0161 792 9760
Opening hours: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays (10 am – 3 pm)
The Current timetable of Activities includes:
Weekday Time Activities
Tue 11:00-13:00 Massage
13:30-14:30 General Advice
13:00-15:00 Basic computer Class
13:00-15:30 Youth Work Club
10:30-12:30 English Class
13:30-15:00 English Class
12:30-13:00 Hot Lunch
Thur 10:00-14:00 Food Safety Course
10:00-12:00 English Corner
12:30-15:30 English Class
10:00-12:00 Class Enrolment
12:30-13:00 Hot Lunch
13:00 Food Parcel
Fri 10:00-12:00 Work Club
10:00-12:00 English Class
12:00-14:00 English class
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Trinity Church very much for the use, these past few years, of their premises on Greenhill Road. Thank you again!