New Courses Timetable

Every day is a learning day. Never give up.


Our daily lives may have changed recently. However, we have evolved and adapted to the situation to bring you some fantastic online learning courses.


The COVID-19 pandemic will not stop our passion and determination to serve our students.

If you know someone who wants to join the group, please ask them to register using the link below: 如果您認識某人想加入該小組,請使用以下鏈接要求他們註冊:


All our classes run online via the Zoom.  If you would like to join the lesson and you don’t have Zoom apps, please feel free to download onto your computer, tablet or smartphone.  Thank you! 

我們所有的課程都透過Zoom在線教授。 如果您想參加以上課程,但你還沒有安裝Zoom這應用程式,請你把程式下載到你的電腦、平板電腦或智能手機上。 謝謝!

ETE Team Classes

ETE Team Classes