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The Dream Project 2023
April 25th, 2023 | Health & Social Care |
Dream Project 2023 A new creative project for older East Asian and British East Asian people with stories to tell and who want to celebrate and make visible the lives of older people who are often under-represented in our theatres. This is the start of a creative journey with the Royal Exchange Theatre.
Health Talk on Eyesight
April 24th, 2023 | Health & Social Care |
Health Talk _eyesight Health talk on use of technological aids to assist eyesight by Claire of RNIB/ Vision Aid Tuesday 25th April 2023, 10:30 am – 12 pm Contact: Ms Chow / Ms Chung, Tel: 0161 272 7482
Wai Yin Summer 2023 Courses
April 11th, 2023 | Education, Training & Employment |
For more information, please telephone Gahmei Cheng on 0161 513 4126 or 0161 833 0377
March 20th, 2023 | Health & Social Care |
環保龍協作班Poster_revised Reduce stress and strengthen positive emotions 減低生活壓力負荷與強化正向情緒 COST OF LIVING PROJECT 生活支援計劃 我哋將會用四堂嘅時間一齊合力創作一條由廢棄嘅鐵/鋁罐製成嘅大型「環保龍」,並於夏天喺慧妍社作展覽。 「環保龍」嘅龍身包含祝福同生活感受嘅自由作畫。如果有興趣參與嘅老朋友請自備用完嘅細汽水罐或開口比較 完整嘅罐頭,我哋會用嚟製作「環保龍」。亦請大家自備膠紙、剪刀、釘書機、膠水或白膠漿參與是次協作班。 協作日期 Workshop Dates:21/3、18/4、23/5、20/6 (Tue) 時間 Time:11:00 am – 12:30pm Sheung Lok Wellbeing Centre│Wai Yin Society (Justin Close, Manchester, M13 9UB) We provide a lunch after workshop, and welcome people over 65 工作坊後我們將提供午餐, 歡迎65歲以上人士參加 For more details, please call Sheung Lok Centre on 0161 5134127 (Sou Ha Yung) or email to [email protected].
Upcoming Events for BNO Visa Holders
March 7th, 2023 | Uncategorised |
A few upcoming events for BNO Visa Holders will be held at the Wai Yin Welcome Centre this month. Please find the details below.
Walk for Women
February 28th, 2023 | Health & Social Care |
International Women’s Day: Walk for Women Saturday 4 March 2023 Manchester Cathedral, Victoria Street M3 1SX Cost: Free Walk for Women poster 2023 Come and help us celebrate International Women’s Day 2023. Date日期: 04/03/2023 (Saturday 星期六) Time 時間: 11:30am Waiting Venue等候地點 : Mark & Spencer馬莎門口 Circle Steele (CEO) will lead the group to walk for women 陳麗緣女士將帶隊 Walk for Women 活動完全免費,任何人都可以參加。 詳情請致電 0161 2727482 請聯絡翁姑娘 Ms Yung Sheung Lok Wellbeing Centre 常樂長者中心 Grosvenor Centre Justin Close, Manchester M13 9UB Walk for Women poster 2023
Autism Course
February 28th, 2023 | Family Unit |
This is a course that aims to support parents with autistic teenage children; it will support them with parenting issues. Parents will receive a certificate at the end of the course, which is completely free of charge.
Family Activity February
February 8th, 2023 | Family Unit |
Wai Yin Society are running a family activity on Wednesday afternoon of 22nd February 2023. It will be at an indoor activity centre, followed by a meal (both optional).
World Cancer Day
February 7th, 2023 | CEO's Blog |
World Cancer Day is a leading international awareness day. Held every 4 February, it’s an initiative led by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) aiming to raise worldwide awareness, improving education and catalysing personal, collective and government action.
Wai Yin’s BNO Project for Hong Kongers
January 25th, 2023 | Education, Training & Employment |
Wai Yin’s BNO Project for Hong Kongers Would you like to understand more about getting employment in the UK and understanding British workplace culture? Our BNO Project is holding 2 one day events led by our employability tutor, David, to help you to understand: finding employment British workplace culture how to write a good CV completing application forms interviews in the UK Each session has many opportunities for asking questions so you can find out the information that you want to know!
Wai Yin Spring 2023 New Courses Timetable
January 12th, 2023 | Welcome Centre |
The Spring 2023 new courses timetable is ready now. All our courses are for the community, free to access and a mixture of face-to-face and online.
Health Boosting Recipes
January 3rd, 2023 | Health & Social Care |
尋找傳統保健食療 Health Boosting Recipes 鼓勵人們保持健康的生活方式,並通過傳統保健食療增強免疫系統, 歡迎分享健康飲食資料. To encourage people to maintain a healthy lifestyle and boost their immune system through traditional recipes, welcome to share healthy eating information.
Sheung Lok Centre Warm Hub
November 8th, 2022 | Health & Social Care |
Sheung lok centre warm Hub-updated Sheung Lok Centre Warm Hub 常樂愛心送暖 Date: 2022 年 11 月 14 至 2023 年 1 月(逢星期一 Mondays) Time 時間 : 10:30am to 2:00pm · A warm place to be 一個溫暖的地方 · Making new friends 結交新朋友 · Activities 活動 · A free hot lunch 免費午餐一份 To find out more information , please call 0161 2727482 了解更多信息, 請致電 0161 2727482
The Welcome Centre Warm Hub
November 1st, 2022 | Welcome Centre |
This winter will be very challenging for many individuals, families and communities in Greater Manchester. Rising food and heating costs will cause hardship for many.
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