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Archive for the ‘Health & Social Care’ Category
Cycling and Social Inclusion
July 18th, 2017 | Health & Social Care |
(Wai Yin Society welcomes Mobike) The recent upturn in popularity of cycling on British roads does not seem as evident for ethnic minority groups or the disadvantaged in British society. This is an area for research. However, we are very pleased to welcome Mobike, a Chinese bike sharing company, to Greater Manchester. Recently, launched, many of you will have seen their bright orange vehicles dotted around Manchester and Salford. I myself have tested their bikes both in my Easter holidays in Beijing, and now in Manchester. Their wide accessibility and inclusiveness (cheap to use, no language and cultural barriers) are […]
Breastfeeding Festival: Understanding Communities and Cultures
June 27th, 2017 | CEO's Blog |
On Saturday 24th June, 2017, I was invited to speak on Chinese cultural awareness around pregnancy, labour and breastfeeding, at the Salford Royal Hospital annual breastfeeding Festival. The audience comprised a mixture of healthcare professionals – doctors, midwives, nurses, and healthcare visitors – as well as parents from the public. During the Question & Answer session, a specialist paediatric doctor asked for my advice on how to overcome barriers such as Chinese women not accessing peer support in the first month after childbirth, particularly if they do not leave the house. It is important to raise awareness of cultural and […]
Community Radio Sheung Lok
May 24th, 2017 | Health & Social Care |
Working with partner, All FM radio, Wai Yin Society now broadcasts community radio from its elderly centre in Ardwick. [mixcloud width=100% height=400 light=1] For further details, please contact: Louise Wong, telephone 0161 272 4782 [mixcloud width=100% height=60 hide_cover=1 mini=1 light=1]
Making a Difference Awards 2017
May 24th, 2017 | Health & Social Care |
Wai Yin Society was honoured to be a party to an award to Dr Leonardo Minuchin from the University of Manchester
Wai Yin signs up to a Memorandum for social care and wellbeing
May 22nd, 2017 | CEO's Blog |
On Friday 12th May, I attended a very important meeting at Manchester’s Town Hall. Here, I represented Wai Yin Society to sign up to a new Memorandum of Understanding, that sets out a framework for health and social care services to help and support the people of Greater Manchester by working alongside public bodies such as Primary Care Trusts. This agreement is the basis of a powerful new relationship between the statutory health sector and the voluntary and charity sector, helping to improve health and social care services across the region. Many other community organisations attended and signed up to […]
Health Talk: Know More about Diabetes
May 6th, 2017 | Health & Social Care |
The health talk on the topic of diabetes given by Denise Megson, a University of Salford nursing lecturer, on the 3rd May, was a great success! Around 20 people from the BME community attended whom received a lot of health information and advice on this national epidemic. 講座 – 糖尿病知多一點點 Health Talk – Know more Diabetes 日期Date: 2017年5月3日 (星期三Wed) 時間Time: 早上11時至中午12時 地點Venue: 常樂中心Sheung Lok Wellbeing Centre Justin Close, Manchester, M13 9UB 講員: Denise Megson (University of Salford講師) 歡迎參加! 詳情請與Louise Wong聯絡 For more information, please contact Louise Wong 電話: 0161 272 7482
4 Days 3 nights Torquay
March 29th, 2017 | Health & Social Care |
Summer trip from 16 – 19 June 日期: 二零一七年六月十六至十九日 (星期五至一) 集合時間: 早上 八 時四十五分 集合地點 : 曼城長途旅遊車站 Manchester Central Coach Station, Chorlton Street, Off Portland Street, Manchester, M1 3JF 詳情請致電 0161 272 7482 請聯絡周姑娘及翁姑娘 Sheung Lok Elderly Centre 常樂長者中心 Grosvenor Centre Justin Close, Manchester M13 9UB Torquay National Holidays
Ambition for Ageing Community Radio
October 31st, 2016 | Health & Social Care |
Due to cultural and language barriers, most Chinese older people switch their TV and radio to Hong Kong and China channels. Since then, Wai Yin regularly broadcasts on Radio Television Hong Kong 5 (RTHK5). We have had lots of feedback and requests from Manchester BME Chinese residents as many of them obtained information through these broadcasts. As a result, we felt that there is a need to provide community information to the wider Chinese community. Therefore a pilot project worked with ALL FM to produce ‘Radio Sheung Lok’! We had two live shows on the 1st and 30th September. To […]
Macmillan Partnership with Wai Yin
October 17th, 2016 | Health & Social Care |
在九月,我们有一个讲座 ( 说话 ) 和一个咖啡早晨 Tuesday, 27th September – Cancer Awareness Talk (the first talk of the 4 monthly sessions) at Sheung Lok Centre, delivered by Gary Witham, Senior Lecturer at MMU Friday, 30th September – Macmillan Coffee Morning at MRI
Battle of the Somme Commemoration Event
August 1st, 2016 | Health & Social Care |
Our volunteers and service users at Wai Yin’s Welcome Centre, on Cheetham Hill, recently took part in the national commemoration event in Manchester, Bignor Street Park on 1 July 2016, of the 100th anniversary of the Battle of the Somme in 1916. It was a touching, and well-organised event. And multi-cultural in the context of commemorating WW1. For example, the many casualties included those of the Chinese Labour Corps (CLC), the contingents recruited by the British government to support our frontline troops. People felt it was a privilege to take part, and it brought the community together.
World Tai Chi Day 2016
June 20th, 2016 | Health & Social Care |
We were very pleased that our service users from the Tai Chi Exercise Group, Sheung Lok Centre, participated in the World Tai Chi Day event in Salford. World Tai Chi Day is celebrated all over the world, in each country at 10am local time tai chi is performed in city parks, tiny village halls, sports centres or beaches – sending a wave of tai chi energy around the world. Media CityUK was the venue for a World Tai Chi event on Saturday 30th April. Over 300 people came together for a mass tai chi performance, workshops and demonstrations. 2016 was […]
Current Developments at the Welcome Centre
May 17th, 2016 | Health & Social Care |
The well being activities at the New Welcome Centre are developing apace! Recently a furniture up cycling project was set up to renew and reuse donated funiture. Service users are enthusiastically learning new skills, and an observer has commented that some of the updated furniture looks an improvement on the originals! As well as the freely available food and clothes provided by the Welcome Centre, fresh fish and fresh eggs are also on the menu in due course from our fish tanks, and hens. Our volunteers are doing a wonderful job in the kitcken, and general running of the centre. An ex-Olympic cyclist from […]
Thank you Painting Volunteers!
September 21st, 2015 | Health & Social Care |
A big thank you to our wonderful people at Sheung Lok. Recently, they repainted the Sheung Lok Centre. 谢谢 The picture shows our volunteers helping us (left to right): Tony Kwong, Vincent Mak, Jayden Lai, Chung Shun Liu, Ming Chiu Chan. 照片,人, 左到右, Tony Kwong, Vincent Mak, Jayden Lai, Chung Shun Liu, Ming Chiu Chan
Birthday Celebration of University Student on Placement!
August 3rd, 2015 | Health & Social Care |
Recently, Jeff celebrated his 21st birthday with us at Wai Yin Society. Jeff and Ariel (pictured at the front, right and second from left respectively) are two university social work students here on summer placements with us. We value our student placements who do valuable work with our service users…Thank you!!!