Archive for June, 2017

Breastfeeding Festival: Understanding Communities and Cultures

On Saturday 24th June, 2017, I was invited to speak on Chinese cultural awareness around pregnancy, labour and breastfeeding, at the Salford Royal Hospital annual breastfeeding Festival. The audience comprised a mixture of healthcare professionals – doctors, midwives, nurses, and healthcare visitors – as well as parents from the public. During the Question & Answer session, a specialist paediatric doctor asked for my advice on how to overcome barriers such as Chinese women not accessing peer support in the first month after childbirth, particularly if they do not leave the house. It is important to raise awareness of cultural and […]

Active Citizens, Empowered Voices

We take great pleasure in sharing with you that with the funding supported by a grant from Tony Lloyd Police & Crime Commissioner, we were given the opportunity to carry out “Active Citizens, Empowered Voices (ACEV) Project”. This project aims to enable people, particularly from BME communities, to gain confidence in English communication skills as well as supporting to build a safer and stronger community in Manchester especially in North Manchester area.    Under this project, we have: Organised talks such as Hate Crime Talks, How to Make Use of the Community Police Drop-in sessions and learning more about LGBT communities. Organised […]

Carers Week 2017: 12 – 18 June

I was a speaker in London yesterday (Monday 12 June) on the work of Wai Yin Society for carers; these are people that are often unpaid, elderly themselves, and making an immense contribution to local communities. The seminar was entitled ‘The State of Caring: Towards Building a Supportive Community for the Wellbeing of the Elderly and their Carers’. We were joined by speakers in the field of elderly social care who have vast experience in organising and delivering care to the elderly and their carers in Chinese communities across the UK. I personally, “…would like to thank the Chinese […]

Dr Sylvia Sham Memorial Service

Date: 14th July 2017 (Friday) Venue: Sheung Lok Well Being Centre Grosvenor Centre Manchester M13 8UB Time: 11:30-14:30 *Sharing *Music *Art Work *Celebration Lunch will be provided If you have any enquiries, please contact Wai Yin HQ 0161 833 0377 or email: [email protected] sylvia memorial poster (1)