Archive for February, 2015

Coach Trip to Canterbury and Folkestone 坎特伯雷和福克斯通

三日兩夜坎特伯雷和福克斯通 3 Days 2 nights Canterbury & Folkestone 酒店位於福克斯通(Folkestone)海邊,既可以俯瞰海港和海灘。市內有著悠久歷史的建築和寬闊的公園使福克斯通被人們譽為“英格蘭的花園”。坎特伯雷 (Canterbury) 擁有悠久的歷史與羅馬,諾曼和都鐸的建築,再加上著名的大教堂,古老的中世紀街道,使您享受一個愉快的假期。 日期: 二零一五年五月八至十日 (星期五至日 ) 集合時間: 早上 八 時四十五分 集合地點 : 曼城長途旅遊車站 Manchester Central Coach Station, Chorlton Street, Off Portland Street, Manchester, M1 3JF 費用: 會員 : £105 非會員 : £115 人數: 40人 截止報名日期: 二零一五年三月二十七日 詳情請致電 0161 272 7482 請聯絡周姑娘及翁姑娘 Sheung Lok Elderly Centre 常樂長者中心 Grosvenor Centre Justin Close, Manchester M13 9UB

Manchester Great Run 10K 2015 / 2015年曼徹斯特10公里跑步

Wai Yin Society is fully participating, for the first time as one of the Great Run Charity Partners, in the BUPA Great Manchester 10K Run. It takes place this year in Manchester City centre on 10 May 2015 starting at 10 am. We have places for 25 runners, wishing to take up the challenge at a reduced price of £14. You would also receive a special Wai Yin T-shirt, goody bag and our express gratitude. In return, we ask you to raise at least £250 in donations from your friends and family for a very worthy cause: Special fundraising donation […]

Matrix Quality Mark

I am extremely pleased to inform you that we have been successfully awarded the Matrix Quality Mark for another three years. The Assessor has given us very good comments. The continuation of the Quality Mark has reassured us of the good quality services at Wai Yin, and it means that we need to keep up the good work! Note: The Matrix Standard is the unique quality framework for organisations to assess and measure their information, advice and/or guidance services, which ultimately supports individuals in their choice of career, learning, work and life goals. Main home

Parenting Course 亲子课程

我们将提供免费亲子课程给住在Manchester 的家长或监护人,如果您有2-11岁的孩子, 歡迎你參加。 我们的亲子课程会包括: 怎样教育聪明,自信,健康的孩子? 怎样建立良好的亲子关系? 怎样帮助您的孩子改掉不良习惯? 我们同时也会分享其他家长的养育经历………… 我们希望您愉快地享受孩子们成长的每一天…… 授课时间 05/02/2015-26/03/2015 逢星期四 10:30 am — 1:00 pm 地址 慧妍社 Wai Yin Society 66-68 Swan Street Manchester M4 5JU 电话 0161 833 0377   联系人:鄭姑娘 Woon Lay-cheng